Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lockdown by Alexander Gordon Smith

This is another first in a series of books from Mr. Smith. You’ve been accused of a murder you didn’t commit and now you’re going to The Furnace. Due to a high rate of murder amongst juveniles a jail called “The Furnace” was created to house them. It is completely underground and once you go in you never come out. Alex can’t just sit there and waste his life away, so Alex and some friends struggle to find a way out. In the process several are killed or severely injured. I will be honest I couldn’t put this book down. My only word of caution would be the violence and death. There are some very graphic fight scenes and a lot of detailed descriptions about mutilation and torture. It was the type of book that makes you think and plays on all the fears of hell and the unknown. I was very irritated with the ending because it just cuts off and leaves you hanging. However, I know that the second book in the series will pick up where this one left off, so I now have to wait!

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